Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClientExecChain
org.apache.http.impl.client Default HTTP client implementation. 
org.apache.http.impl.execchain HTTP request execution chain APIs. 

Uses of ClientExecChain in org.apache.http.impl.client

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client that return ClientExecChain
protected  ClientExecChain HttpClientBuilder.createMainExec(org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor requestExec, HttpClientConnectionManager connManager, org.apache.http.ConnectionReuseStrategy reuseStrategy, ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy keepAliveStrategy, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpProcessor proxyHttpProcessor, AuthenticationStrategy targetAuthStrategy, AuthenticationStrategy proxyAuthStrategy, UserTokenHandler userTokenHandler)
          Produces an instance of ClientExecChain to be used as a main exec.
protected  ClientExecChain HttpClientBuilder.decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain mainExec)
          For internal use.
protected  ClientExecChain HttpClientBuilder.decorateProtocolExec(ClientExecChain protocolExec)
          For internal use.

Methods in org.apache.http.impl.client with parameters of type ClientExecChain
protected  ClientExecChain HttpClientBuilder.decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain mainExec)
          For internal use.
protected  ClientExecChain HttpClientBuilder.decorateProtocolExec(ClientExecChain protocolExec)
          For internal use.

Uses of ClientExecChain in org.apache.http.impl.execchain

Classes in org.apache.http.impl.execchain that implement ClientExecChain
 class BackoffStrategyExec
 class MainClientExec
          The last request executor in the HTTP request execution chain that is responsible for execution of request / response exchanges with the opposite endpoint.
 class MinimalClientExec
          Request executor that implements the most fundamental aspects of the HTTP specification and the most straight-forward request / response exchange with the target server.
 class ProtocolExec
          Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for implementation of HTTP specification requirements.
 class RedirectExec
          Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for handling of request redirects.
 class RetryExec
          Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for making a decision whether a request failed due to an I/O error should be re-executed.
 class ServiceUnavailableRetryExec
          Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for making a decision whether a request that received a non-2xx response from the target server should be re-executed.

Constructors in org.apache.http.impl.execchain with parameters of type ClientExecChain
BackoffStrategyExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, ConnectionBackoffStrategy connectionBackoffStrategy, BackoffManager backoffManager)
ProtocolExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpProcessor httpProcessor)
RedirectExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, HttpRoutePlanner routePlanner, RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy)
RetryExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, HttpRequestRetryHandler retryHandler)
ServiceUnavailableRetryExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, ServiceUnavailableRetryStrategy retryStrategy)

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