Class RedirectExec

  extended by org.apache.http.impl.execchain.RedirectExec
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RedirectExec
extends Object
implements ClientExecChain

Request executor in the request execution chain that is responsible for handling of request redirects.

Further responsibilities such as communication with the opposite endpoint is delegated to the next executor in the request execution chain.


Constructor Summary
RedirectExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor, HttpRoutePlanner routePlanner, RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy)
Method Summary
 CloseableHttpResponse execute(HttpRoute route, HttpRequestWrapper request, HttpClientContext context, HttpExecutionAware execAware)
          Executes th request either by transmitting it to the target server or by passing it onto the next executor in the request execution chain.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RedirectExec(ClientExecChain requestExecutor,
                    HttpRoutePlanner routePlanner,
                    RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy)
Method Detail


public CloseableHttpResponse execute(HttpRoute route,
                                     HttpRequestWrapper request,
                                     HttpClientContext context,
                                     HttpExecutionAware execAware)
                              throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: ClientExecChain
Executes th request either by transmitting it to the target server or by passing it onto the next executor in the request execution chain.

Specified by:
execute in interface ClientExecChain
route - connection route.
request - current request.
context - current HTTP context.
execAware - receiver of notifications of blocking I/O operations.
HTTP response either received from the opposite endpoint or generated locally.
IOException - in case of a I/O error. (this type of exceptions are potentially recoverable).
org.apache.http.HttpException - in case of an HTTP protocol error (usually this type of exceptions are non-recoverable).

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