Class TapestryAppInitializer

    • Constructor Detail

      • TapestryAppInitializer

        public TapestryAppInitializer(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                      String appPackage,
                                      String appName)
        logger - logger for output confirmation
        appPackage - root package name to search for pages and components
        appName - the name of the application (i.e., the name of the application servlet)
      • TapestryAppInitializer

        public TapestryAppInitializer(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                      SymbolProvider appProvider,
                                      String appName,
                                      String executionModes)
        logger - logger for output confirmation
        appProvider - provides symbols for the application (normally, from the ServletContext init parameters), plus (as of 5.4) the value for symbol TapestryHttpSymbolConstants.CONTEXT_PATH
        appName - the name of the application (i.e., the name of the application servlet)
        executionModes - an optional, comma-separated list of execution modes, each of which is used to find a list of additional module classes to load (key in appProvider, i.e., the servlet context)
    • Method Detail

      • addModules

        public void addModules(ModuleDef... moduleDefs)
        Adds additional modules.
        moduleDefs -
      • announceStartup

        public void announceStartup()
        Announce application startup, by logging (at INFO level) the names of all pages, components, mixins and services.
      • splitAtCommas

        public static String[] splitAtCommas(String value)
        Splits a value around commas. Whitespace around the commas is removed, as is leading and trailing whitespace.