Interface ModuleDef

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceDef

        ServiceDef getServiceDef(String serviceId)
        Returns a service definition via the service's id. Ideally, the returned value should be an instance of ServiceDef2, and will be converted to such if necessary.
        serviceId - the id of the service to retrieve (case is ignored)
        service definition or null if it doesn't exist
      • getBuilderClass

        Class getBuilderClass()
        Returns the class that will be instantiated. Annotated instance methods of this class are invoked to build services, to decorate/intercept services, and make contributions to other services. Note: this name is maintained for compatibilty; the term "module builder" is now just "module class".
      • getLoggerName

        String getLoggerName()
        Returns the name used to create a Logger instance. This is typically the builder class name.