Class PageTester

  • public class PageTester
    extends Object
    This class is used to run a Tapestry app in a single-threaded, in-process testing environment. You can ask it to render a certain page and check the DOM object created. You can also ask it to click on a link element in the DOM object to get the next page. Because no servlet container is required, it is very fast and you can directly debug into your code in your IDE. When using the PageTester in your tests, you should add the org.apache.tapestry:tapestry-test-constants module as a dependency.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PageTester

        public PageTester(String appPackage,
                          String appName,
                          String contextPath,
                          Class... moduleClasses)
        Initializes a PageTester that acts as a browser and a servlet container to test drive your Tapestry pages.
        appPackage - The same value you would specify using the context parameter. As this testing environment is not run in a servlet container, you need to specify it.
        appName - The same value you would specify as the filter name. It is used to form the name of the module class for your app. If you don't have one, pass an empty string.
        contextPath - The path to the context root so that Tapestry can find the templates (if they're put there).
        moduleClasses - Classes of additional modules to load
    • Method Detail

      • provideExtraModuleDefs

        protected ModuleDef[] provideExtraModuleDefs()
        Overridden in subclasses to provide additional module definitions beyond those normally located. This implementation returns an empty array.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Invoke this method when done using the PageTester; it shuts down the internal Registry used by the tester.
      • getRegistry

        public Registry getRegistry()
        Returns the Registry that was created for the application.
      • getService

        public <T> T getService(Class<T> serviceInterface)
        Allows a service to be retrieved via its service interface. Use getRegistry() for more complicated queries.
        serviceInterface - used to select the service
      • renderPage

        public Document renderPage(String pageName)
        Renders a page specified by its name.
        pageName - The name of the page to be rendered.
        The DOM created. Typically you will assert against it.
      • renderPageAndReturnResponse

        public TestableResponse renderPageAndReturnResponse(String pageName)
        Renders a page specified by its name and returns the response.
        pageName - The name of the page to be rendered.
        The response object to assert against
      • clickLink

        public Document clickLink(Element linkElement)
        Simulates a click on a link.
        linkElement - The Link object to be "clicked" on.
        The DOM created. Typically you will assert against it.
      • clickLinkAndReturnResponse

        public TestableResponse clickLinkAndReturnResponse(Element linkElement)
        Simulates a click on a link.
        linkElement - The Link object to be "clicked" on.
        The response object to assert against
      • submitForm

        public Document submitForm(Element form,
                                   Map<String,String> parameters)
        Simulates a submission of the form specified. The caller can specify values for the form fields, which act as overrides on the values stored inside the elements.
        form - the form to be submitted.
        parameters - the query parameter name/value pairs
        The DOM created. Typically you will assert against it.
      • submitFormAndReturnResponse

        public TestableResponse submitFormAndReturnResponse(Element form,
                                                            Map<String,String> parameters)
        Simulates a submission of the form specified. The caller can specify values for the form fields, which act as overrides on the values stored inside the elements.
        form - the form to be submitted.
        parameters - the query parameter name/value pairs
        The response object to assert against.
      • clickSubmit

        public Document clickSubmit(Element submitButton,
                                    Map<String,String> fieldValues)
        Simulates a submission of the form by clicking the specified submit button. The caller can specify values for the form fields.
        submitButton - the submit button to be clicked.
        fieldValues - the field values keyed on field names.
        The DOM created. Typically you will assert against it.
      • clickSubmitAndReturnResponse

        public TestableResponse clickSubmitAndReturnResponse(Element submitButton,
                                                             Map<String,String> fieldValues)
        Simulates a submission of the form by clicking the specified submit button. The caller can specify values for the form fields.
        submitButton - the submit button to be clicked.
        fieldValues - the field values keyed on field names.
        The response object to assert against.
      • setPreferedLanguage

        public void setPreferedLanguage(Locale preferedLanguage)
        Sets the simulated browser's preferred language, i.e., the value returned from Request.getLocale().
        preferedLanguage - preferred language setting