Interface RMapCacheAsync<K,V>

    • Method Detail

      • setMaxSizeAsync

        RFuture<Void> setMaxSizeAsync(int maxSize)
        Sets max size of the map and overrides current value. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm by default.
        maxSize - - max size
      • setMaxSizeAsync

        RFuture<Void> setMaxSizeAsync(int maxSize,
                                      EvictionMode mode)
        Sets max size of the map and overrides current value. Superfluous elements are evicted using defined algorithm.
        maxSize - - max size
        mode - - eviction mode
      • trySetMaxSizeAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> trySetMaxSizeAsync(int maxSize)
        Tries to set max size of the map. Superfluous elements are evicted using LRU algorithm by default.
        maxSize - - max size
        true if max size has been successfully set, otherwise false.
      • trySetMaxSizeAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> trySetMaxSizeAsync(int maxSize,
                                            EvictionMode mode)
        Tries to set max size of the map. Superfluous elements are evicted using defined algorithm.
        maxSize - - max size
        mode - - eviction mode
        true if max size has been successfully set, otherwise false.
      • putIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<V> putIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                    V value,
                                    long ttl,
                                    TimeUnit unit)
        If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.

        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live. Entry expires after specified time to live. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then stores infinitely.
        unit - - time unit
        previous associated value
      • putIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<V> putIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                    V value,
                                    long ttl,
                                    TimeUnit ttlUnit,
                                    long maxIdleTime,
                                    TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
        If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.

        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live and max idle time. Entry expires when specified time to live or max idle time has expired.

        If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then time to live doesn't affect entry expiration.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
        maxIdleTime - - max idle time for key\value entry. If 0 then max idle time doesn't affect entry expiration.
        maxIdleUnit - - time unit

        if maxIdleTime and ttl params are equal to 0 then entry stores infinitely.

        previous associated value
      • putAsync

        RFuture<V> putAsync(K key,
                            V value,
                            long ttl,
                            TimeUnit unit)
        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live. Entry expires after specified time to live. If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.
        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then stores infinitely.
        unit - - time unit
        previous associated value
      • putAsync

        RFuture<V> putAsync(K key,
                            V value,
                            long ttl,
                            TimeUnit ttlUnit,
                            long maxIdleTime,
                            TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live and max idle time. Entry expires when specified time to live or max idle time has expired.

        If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then time to live doesn't affect entry expiration.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
        maxIdleTime - - max idle time for key\value entry. If 0 then max idle time doesn't affect entry expiration.
        maxIdleUnit - - time unit

        if maxIdleTime and ttl params are equal to 0 then entry stores infinitely.

        previous associated value
      • putAllAsync

        RFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map,
                                  long ttl,
                                  TimeUnit ttlUnit)
        Associates the specified value with the specified key in batch.

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entries are stored in write-through mode.

        map - - mappings to be stored in this map
        ttl - - time to live for all key\value entries. If 0 then stores infinitely.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
      • fastPutAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutAsync(K key,
                                      V value,
                                      long ttl,
                                      TimeUnit unit)
        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live. Entry expires after specified time to live.

        If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

        Works faster than usual putAsync(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit) as it not returns previous value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then stores infinitely.
        unit - - time unit
        true if key is a new key in the hash and value was set. false if key already exists in the hash and the value was updated.
      • fastPutAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutAsync(K key,
                                      V value,
                                      long ttl,
                                      TimeUnit ttlUnit,
                                      long maxIdleTime,
                                      TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live and max idle time. Entry expires when specified time to live or max idle time has expired.

        If the map previously contained a mapping for the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.

        Works faster than usual putAsync(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) as it not returns previous value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then time to live doesn't affect entry expiration.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
        maxIdleTime - - max idle time for key\value entry. If 0 then max idle time doesn't affect entry expiration.
        maxIdleUnit - - time unit

        if maxIdleTime and ttl params are equal to 0 then entry stores infinitely.

        true if key is a new key in the hash and value was set. false if key already exists in the hash and the value was updated.
      • fastPutIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                              V value,
                                              long ttl,
                                              TimeUnit ttlUnit,
                                              long maxIdleTime,
                                              TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
        If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value.

        Stores value mapped by key with specified time to live and max idle time. Entry expires when specified time to live or max idle time has expired.

        Works faster than usual putIfAbsentAsync(Object, Object, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) as it not returns previous value.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then time to live doesn't affect entry expiration.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
        maxIdleTime - - max idle time for key\value entry. If 0 then max idle time doesn't affect entry expiration.
        maxIdleUnit - - time unit

        if maxIdleTime and ttl params are equal to 0 then entry stores infinitely.

        true if key is a new key in the hash and value was set. false if key already exists in the hash
      • updateEntryExpirationAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> updateEntryExpirationAsync(K key,
                                                    long ttl,
                                                    TimeUnit ttlUnit,
                                                    long maxIdleTime,
                                                    TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
        Updates time to live and max idle time of specified entry by key. Entry expires when specified time to live or max idle time was reached.

        Returns false if entry already expired or doesn't exist, otherwise returns true.

        key - - map key
        ttl - - time to live for key\value entry. If 0 then time to live doesn't affect entry expiration.
        ttlUnit - - time unit
        maxIdleTime - - max idle time for key\value entry. If 0 then max idle time doesn't affect entry expiration.
        maxIdleUnit - - time unit

        if maxIdleTime and ttl params are equal to 0 then entry stores infinitely.

        returns false if entry already expired or doesn't exist, otherwise returns true.
      • getWithTTLOnlyAsync

        RFuture<V> getWithTTLOnlyAsync(K key)
        Returns the value mapped by defined key or null if value is absent.

        If map doesn't contain value for specified key and MapLoader is defined then value will be loaded in read-through mode.

        Idle time of entry is not taken into account. Entry last access time isn't modified if map limited by size.

        key - the key
        the value mapped by defined key or null if value is absent
      • sizeAsync

        RFuture<Integer> sizeAsync()
        Returns the number of entries in cache. This number can reflects expired entries too due to non realtime cleanup process.
        Specified by:
        sizeAsync in interface RMapAsync<K,V>
      • remainTimeToLiveAsync

        RFuture<Long> remainTimeToLiveAsync(K key)
        Remaining time to live of map entry associated with a key.
        key - - map key
        time in milliseconds -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.