Interface RMapAsync<K,V>

    • Method Detail

      • mergeAsync

        RFuture<V> mergeAsync(K key,
                              V value,
                              BiFunction<? super V,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
        Associates specified key with the given value if key isn't already associated with a value. Otherwise, replaces the associated value with the results of the given remapping function, or removes if the result is null.
        key - - map key
        value - - value to be merged with the existing value associated with the key or to be associated with the key, if no existing value
        remappingFunction - - the function is invoked with the existing value to compute new value
        new value associated with the specified key or null if no value associated with the key
      • computeAsync

        RFuture<V> computeAsync(K key,
                                BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
        Computes a new mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value.
        key - - map key
        remappingFunction - - function to compute a value
        the new value associated with the specified key, or null if none
      • computeIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<V> computeIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                        Function<? super K,? extends V> mappingFunction)
        Computes a mapping for the specified key if it's not mapped before.
        key - - map key
        mappingFunction - - function to compute a value
        current or new computed value associated with the specified key, or null if the computed value is null
      • computeIfPresentAsync

        RFuture<V> computeIfPresentAsync(K key,
                                         BiFunction<? super K,? super V,? extends V> remappingFunction)
        Computes a mapping for the specified key only if it's already mapped.
        key - - map key
        remappingFunction - - function to compute a value
        the new value associated with the specified key, or null if none
      • loadAllAsync

        RFuture<Void> loadAllAsync(boolean replaceExistingValues,
                                   int parallelism)
        Loads all map entries to this Redis map using MapLoader.
        replaceExistingValues - - true if existed values should be replaced, false otherwise.
        parallelism - - parallelism level, used to increase speed of process execution
      • loadAllAsync

        RFuture<Void> loadAllAsync(Set<? extends K> keys,
                                   boolean replaceExistingValues,
                                   int parallelism)
        Loads map entries using MapLoader whose keys are listed in defined keys parameter.
        keys - - map keys
        replaceExistingValues - - true if existed values should be replaced, false otherwise.
        parallelism - - parallelism level, used to increase speed of process execution
      • valueSizeAsync

        RFuture<Integer> valueSizeAsync(K key)
        Returns size of value mapped by key in bytes
        key - - map key
        size of value
      • getAllAsync

        RFuture<Map<K,V>> getAllAsync(Set<K> keys)
        Returns map slice contained the mappings with defined keys.

        If map doesn't contain value/values for specified key/keys and MapLoader is defined then value/values will be loaded in read-through mode.

        The returned map is NOT backed by the original map.

        keys - - map keys
        Map slice
      • putAllAsync

        RFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)
        Stores map entries specified in map object in batch mode.

        If MapWriter is defined then map entries will be stored in write-through mode.

        map - mappings to be stored in this map
      • putAllAsync

        RFuture<Void> putAllAsync(Map<? extends K,? extends V> map,
                                  int batchSize)
        Stores map entries specified in map object in batch mode. Batch inserted by chunks limited by batchSize value to avoid OOM and/or Redis response timeout error for map with big size.

        If MapWriter is defined then map entries are stored in write-through mode.

        map - mappings to be stored in this map
        batchSize - - size of map entries batch
      • randomKeysAsync

        RFuture<Set<K>> randomKeysAsync(int count)
        Returns random keys from this map limited by count
        count - - keys amount to return
        random keys
      • randomEntriesAsync

        RFuture<Map<K,V>> randomEntriesAsync(int count)
        Returns random map entries from this map limited by count
        count - - entries amount to return
        random entries
      • addAndGetAsync

        RFuture<V> addAndGetAsync(K key,
                                  Number delta)
        Adds the given delta to the current value by mapped key. Works only for numeric values!
        key - - map key
        delta - the value to add
        the updated value
      • containsValueAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> containsValueAsync(Object value)
        Returns true if this map contains any map entry with specified value, otherwise false
        value - - map value
        true if this map contains any map entry with specified value, otherwise false
      • containsKeyAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> containsKeyAsync(Object key)
        Returns true if this map contains map entry mapped by specified key, otherwise false
        key - - map key
        true if this map contains map entry mapped by specified key, otherwise false
      • sizeAsync

        RFuture<Integer> sizeAsync()
        Returns size of this map
      • fastRemoveAsync

        RFuture<Long> fastRemoveAsync(K... keys)
        Removes map entries mapped by specified keys.

        Works faster than removeAsync(Object) but not returning the value.

        If MapWriter is defined then keysare deleted in write-through mode.

        keys - - map keys
        the number of keys that were removed from the hash, not including specified but non existing keys
      • fastPutAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutAsync(K key,
                                      V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by specified key.

        Works faster than putAsync(Object, Object) but not returning previous value.

        Returns true if key is a new key in the hash and value was set or false if key already exists in the hash and the value was updated.

        If MapWriter is defined then map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        true if key is a new key in the hash and value was set. false if key already exists in the hash and the value was updated.
      • fastReplaceAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastReplaceAsync(K key,
                                          V value)
        Replaces previous value with a new value mapped by specified key.

        Works faster than replaceAsync(Object, Object) but not returning the previous value.

        Returns true if key exists and value was updated or false if key doesn't exists and value wasn't updated.

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        true if key exists and value was updated. false if key doesn't exists and value wasn't updated.
      • fastPutIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                              V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by specified key only if there is no value with specifiedkey stored before.

        Returns true if key is a new one in the hash and value was set or false if key already exists in the hash and change hasn't been made.

        Works faster than putIfAbsentAsync(Object, Object) but not returning the previous value associated with key

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        true if key is a new one in the hash and value was set. false if key already exists in the hash and change hasn't been made.
      • fastPutIfExistsAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> fastPutIfExistsAsync(K key,
                                              V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by key only if mapping already exists.

        Returns true if key is a new one in the hash and value was set or false if key already exists in the hash and change hasn't been made.

        Works faster than putIfExistsAsync(Object, Object) but doesn't return previous value associated with key

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        true if key already exists in the hash and new value has been stored. false if key doesn't exist in the hash and value hasn't been set.
      • readAllKeySetAsync

        RFuture<Set<K>> readAllKeySetAsync()
        Read all keys at once
      • readAllValuesAsync

        RFuture<Collection<V>> readAllValuesAsync()
        Read all values at once
      • readAllEntrySetAsync

        RFuture<Set<Map.Entry<K,V>>> readAllEntrySetAsync()
        Read all map entries at once
      • readAllMapAsync

        RFuture<Map<K,V>> readAllMapAsync()
        Read all map as local instance at once
      • getAsync

        RFuture<V> getAsync(K key)
        Returns the value mapped by defined key or null if value is absent.

        If map doesn't contain value for specified key and MapLoader is defined then value will be loaded in read-through mode.

        key - the key
        the value mapped by defined key or null if value is absent
      • putAsync

        RFuture<V> putAsync(K key,
                            V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by specified key. Returns previous value if map entry with specified key already existed.

        If MapWriter is defined then map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        previous associated value
      • removeAsync

        RFuture<V> removeAsync(K key)
        Removes map entry by specified key and returns value.

        If MapWriter is defined then keyis deleted in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        deleted value, null if map entry doesn't exist
      • replaceAsync

        RFuture<V> replaceAsync(K key,
                                V value)
        Replaces previous value with a new value mapped by specified key. Returns null if there is no map entry stored before and doesn't store new map entry.

        If MapWriter is defined then new valueis written in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        previous associated value or null if there is no map entry stored before and doesn't store new map entry
      • replaceAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> replaceAsync(K key,
                                      V oldValue,
                                      V newValue)
        Replaces previous oldValue with a newValue mapped by specified key. Returns false if previous value doesn't exist or equal to oldValue.

        If MapWriter is defined then newValueis written in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        oldValue - - map old value
        newValue - - map new value
        true if value has been replaced otherwise false.
      • removeAsync

        RFuture<Boolean> removeAsync(Object key,
                                     Object value)
        Removes map entry only if it exists with specified key and value.

        If MapWriter is defined then keyis deleted in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        true if map entry has been removed otherwise false.
      • putIfAbsentAsync

        RFuture<V> putIfAbsentAsync(K key,
                                    V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by specified key only if there is no value with specifiedkey stored before.

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        null if key is a new one in the hash and value was set. Previous value if key already exists in the hash and change hasn't been made.
      • putIfExistsAsync

        RFuture<V> putIfExistsAsync(K key,
                                    V value)
        Stores the specified value mapped by key only if mapping already exists.

        If MapWriter is defined then new map entry is stored in write-through mode.

        key - - map key
        value - - map value
        null if key is doesn't exists in the hash and value hasn't been set. Previous value if key already exists in the hash and new value has been stored.