Class BsonArrayCodec

    • Constructor Detail

      • BsonArrayCodec

        public BsonArrayCodec()
        Creates a new instance with a default codec registry that uses the BsonValueCodecProvider.
      • BsonArrayCodec

        public BsonArrayCodec(CodecRegistry codecRegistry)
        Construct an instance with the given registry
        codecRegistry - the codec registry
    • Method Detail

      • decode

        public BsonArray decode(BsonReader reader,
                                DecoderContext decoderContext)
        Description copied from interface: Decoder
        Decodes a BSON value from the given reader into an instance of the type parameter T.
        Specified by:
        decode in interface Decoder<BsonArray>
        reader - the BSON reader
        decoderContext - the decoder context
        an instance of the type parameter T.
      • encode

        public void encode(BsonWriter writer,
                           BsonArray array,
                           EncoderContext encoderContext)
        Description copied from interface: Encoder
        Encode an instance of the type parameter T into a BSON value.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface Encoder<BsonArray>
        writer - the BSON writer to encode into
        array - the value to encode
        encoderContext - the encoder context
      • getEncoderClass

        public Class<BsonArray> getEncoderClass()
        Description copied from interface: Encoder
        Returns the Class instance that this encodes. This is necessary because Java does not reify generic types.
        Specified by:
        getEncoderClass in interface Encoder<BsonArray>
        the Class instance that this encodes.
      • readValue

        protected BsonValue readValue(BsonReader reader,
                                      DecoderContext decoderContext)
        This method may be overridden to change the behavior of reading the current value from the given BsonReader. It is required that the value be fully consumed before returning.
        reader - the read to read the value from
        decoderContext - the decoder context
        the non-null value read from the reader