Class TemplateResolution

  • public final class TemplateResolution
    extends Object

    Result of the execution of a Template Resolver.

    A TemplateResolution object is created by implementations of ITemplateResolver when templates are resolved, and it contains not only the resource representing the resolved template, but also the template mode to be used and the cache validity to be applied.

    The fact that a Template Resolver returns a TemplateResolution does not necessarily mean that the resolved template resource exists. It might only be so if the template resolver is configured to perform an existence check on the resource before returning a resolution result (by means of calling ITemplateResource.exists()), which might be configurable on a per-ITemplateResolver-implementation basis. Implementations might choose not to check resource existance by default in order to avoid the possible performance impact of a double access to the resource.

    Objects of this class should not be considered thread-safe.

    Note a class with this name existed since 1.0, but it was completely reimplemented in 3.0.0.

    Daniel Fernández
    • Method Detail

      • getTemplateResource

        public ITemplateResource getTemplateResource()

        Returns the template resource.

        Template resource instances are usually created by implementations of ITemplateResolver.

        Note that, even if this resource object will never be null, the existence of the resource object does not necessarily imply the existence of the resource itself unless the template resolver was configured for calling ITemplateResource.exists() upon template resolution.

        the template resource
      • getTemplateMode

        public TemplateMode getTemplateMode()

        Returns the template mode to be applied to the template, as suggested by the ITemplateResolver.

        Note that this template mode can be ignored if the template being resolved is configured to be executed with a specific template mode regardless of what the template resolver suggests.

        the template mode for the resolved template
      • isTemplateResourceExistenceVerified

        public boolean isTemplateResourceExistenceVerified()

        Returns whether the existence of the resource returned by the resolution mechanism has been already verified to actually exist by the template resolver during resolution.

        This allows avoiding further checks in case the resource.exists() execution is costly.

        Note a false here does not mean the resource does not exist, but simply that its existence was not verified (true) during resolution.

        whether the existence of the resource was verified during resolution.
      • getUseDecoupledLogic

        public boolean getUseDecoupledLogic()

        Returns whether the existence of decoupled logic (normally in a separate file) should be checked for this template during parsing.

        Note a true here does not mean that a decoupled logic resource has to necessarily exist for this template, only that its existence should be checked and used if it exists.

        whether the existence of decoupled logic should be checked.
      • getValidity

        public ICacheEntryValidity getValidity()

        Returns the template resolution validity.

        This validity establishes whether the template can be included in the template cache, and also for how long its resolution will be considered valid.

        When a cached template is not considered valid, its cache entry is discarded and it is resolved again.

        the validity object