Interface Response

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addHeader(String name, String value)
      Adds a response header with the given name and value, not overwriting any previous values which may have already been added.
      void disableCompression()
      Invoked to indicate that the response content is either already compressed, or is not compressable.
      String encodeRedirectURL(String URL)
      Encodes the URL for use as a redirect, ensuring that a session id is included (if a session exists, and as necessary depending on the client browser's use of cookies).
      String encodeURL(String URL)
      Encodes the URL, ensuring that a session id is included (if a session exists, and as necessary depending on the client browser's use of cookies).
      OutputStream getOutputStream(String contentType)
      Returns an OutputStream to which byte-oriented output may be sent.
      PrintWriter getPrintWriter(String contentType)
      Returns a PrintWriter object to which output may be sent.
      boolean isCommitted()
      Returns true if the response has already been sent, either as a redirect or as a stream of content.
      void sendError(int sc, String message)
      Sends an error response to the client using the specified status.
      void sendRedirect(String URL)
      Sends a redirect to the client.
      void sendRedirect(Link link)
      Sends a redirect to a link.
      void setContentLength(int length)
      Sets the length of the content body in the response; this method sets the HTTP Content-Length header.
      void setDateHeader(String name, long date)
      Sets a response header with the given name and date-value.
      void setHeader(String name, String value)
      Sets a response header with the given name and value.
      void setIntHeader(String name, int value)
      Sets a response header with the given name and integer value.
      void setStatus(int sc)
      Sets the status code for this response.
    • Method Detail

      • getPrintWriter

        PrintWriter getPrintWriter(String contentType)
                            throws IOException
        Returns a PrintWriter object to which output may be sent. Invoking flush() on the writer will commit the output.
        contentType - the MIME content type for the output, typically "text/html"
      • getOutputStream

        OutputStream getOutputStream(String contentType)
                              throws IOException
        Returns an OutputStream to which byte-oriented output may be sent. Invoking flush() on the stream will commit the output.
        contentType - the MIME content type for the output, often "application/octet-stream" or "text/plain" or one of several others
      • setStatus

        void setStatus(int sc)
        Sets the status code for this response. This method is used to set the return status code when there is no error (for example, for the status codes SC_OK or SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY). If there is an error, and the caller wishes to invoke an error-page defined in the web applicaion, the sendError method should be used instead.
        sc - the status code
      • sendError

        void sendError(int sc,
                       String message)
                throws IOException
        Sends an error response to the client using the specified status. The server defaults to creating the response to look like an HTML-formatted server error page containing the specified message, setting the content type to "text/html", leaving cookies and other headers unmodified. If an error-page declaration has been made for the web application corresponding to the status code passed in, it will be served back in preference to the suggested msg parameter. If the response has already been committed, this method throws an IllegalStateException. After using this method, the response should be considered to be committed and should not be written to.
        sc - the error status code
        message - the descriptive message
        IOException - If an input or output exception occurs
        IllegalStateException - If the response was committed
      • setContentLength

        void setContentLength(int length)
        Sets the length of the content body in the response; this method sets the HTTP Content-Length header.
        length - the length of the content
      • setDateHeader

        void setDateHeader(String name,
                           long date)
        Sets a response header with the given name and date-value. The date is specified in terms of milliseconds since the epoch. If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.
        name - the name of the header to set
        date - the assigned date value
      • setHeader

        void setHeader(String name,
                       String value)
        Sets a response header with the given name and value. If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.
        name - the name of the header to set
        value - the assigned value
      • addHeader

                            details="Added method")
        void addHeader(String name,
                       String value)
        Adds a response header with the given name and value, not overwriting any previous values which may have already been added.
        name - the name of the header to add
        value - the assigned value
      • setIntHeader

        void setIntHeader(String name,
                          int value)
        Sets a response header with the given name and integer value. If the header had already been set, the new value overwrites the previous one.
        name - the name of the header to set
        value - the assigned integer value
      • encodeURL

        String encodeURL(String URL)
        Encodes the URL, ensuring that a session id is included (if a session exists, and as necessary depending on the client browser's use of cookies).
        URL -
        the same URL or a different one with additional information to track the user session
      • encodeRedirectURL

        String encodeRedirectURL(String URL)
        Encodes the URL for use as a redirect, ensuring that a session id is included (if a session exists, and as necessary depending on the client browser's use of cookies).
        URL -
        the same URL or a different one with additional information to track the user session
      • isCommitted

        boolean isCommitted()
        Returns true if the response has already been sent, either as a redirect or as a stream of content.
        true if response already sent
      • disableCompression

        void disableCompression()
        Invoked to indicate that the response content is either already compressed, or is not compressable.