Class Node

    • Constructor Detail

      • Node

        protected Node(Element container)
        Creates a new node, setting its container to the provided value. Container may also be null, but that is only used for Document nodes (the topmost node of a DOM).
        container - element containing this node
    • Method Detail

      • getContainer

        public Element getContainer()
        Returns the containing Element for this node, or null if this node is the root element of the document.
      • toMarkup

        public void toMarkup(PrintWriter writer)
        Writes the markup for this node to the writer.
      • moveBefore

        public Node moveBefore(Element element)
        Moves this node so that it becomes a sibling of the element, ordered just before the element.
        element - to move the node before
        the node for further modification
      • moveAfter

        public Node moveAfter(Element element)
        Moves this node so that it becomes a sibling of the element, ordered just after the element.
        element - to move the node after
        the node for further modification
      • moveToTop

        public Node moveToTop(Element element)
        Moves this node so that it becomes this first child of the element, shifting existing elements forward.
        element - to move the node inside
        the node for further modification
      • moveToBottom

        public Node moveToBottom(Element element)
        Moves this node so that it the last child of the element.
        element - to move the node inside
        the node for further modification
      • remove

        public void remove()
        Removes a node from its container, setting its container property to null, and removing it from its container's list of children.
      • wrap

        public Element wrap(String elementName,
                            String... namesAndValues)
        Wraps a node inside a new element. The new element is created before the node, then the node is moved inside the new element.
        elementName - name of new element to create
        namesAndValues - to set attributes of new element
        the created element