Class JndiLocator

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    JndiObjectFactory, JndiRealmFactory

    public class JndiLocator
    extends Object
    Convenient superclass for JNDI accessors, providing "jndiTemplate" and "jndiEnvironment" bean properties.

    Note that this implementation is an almost exact combined copy of the Spring Framework's 'JndiAccessor' and 'JndiLocatorSupport' classes from their 2.5.4 distribution - we didn't want to re-invent the wheel, but not require a full dependency on the Spring framework, nor does Spring make available only its JNDI classes in a small jar, or we would have used that. Since Shiro is also Apache 2.0 licensed, all regular licenses and conditions and authors have remained in tact.

    See Also:
    setJndiTemplate(org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiTemplate), setJndiEnvironment(java.util.Properties), setResourceRef(boolean)
    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • JndiLocator

        public JndiLocator()
    • Method Detail

      • getJndiTemplate

        public JndiTemplate getJndiTemplate()
        Return the JNDI template to use for JNDI lookups.
      • getJndiEnvironment

        public Properties getJndiEnvironment()
        Return the JNDI environment to use for JNDI lookups.
      • setResourceRef

        public void setResourceRef(boolean resourceRef)
        Set whether the lookup occurs in a J2EE container, i.e. if the prefix "java:comp/env/" needs to be added if the JNDI name doesn't already contain it. Default is "false".

        Note: Will only get applied if no other scheme (e.g. "java:") is given.

      • isResourceRef

        public boolean isResourceRef()
        Return whether the lookup occurs in a J2EE container.
      • lookup

        protected Object lookup(String jndiName)
                         throws NamingException
        Perform an actual JNDI lookup for the given name via the JndiTemplate.

        If the name doesn't begin with "java:comp/env/", this prefix is added if "resourceRef" is set to "true".

        jndiName - the JNDI name to look up
        the obtained object
        NamingException - if the JNDI lookup failed
        See Also:
      • lookup

        protected Object lookup(String jndiName,
                                Class requiredType)
                         throws NamingException
        Perform an actual JNDI lookup for the given name via the JndiTemplate.

        If the name doesn't begin with "java:comp/env/", this prefix is added if "resourceRef" is set to "true".

        jndiName - the JNDI name to look up
        requiredType - the required type of the object
        the obtained object
        NamingException - if the JNDI lookup failed
        See Also:
      • convertJndiName

        protected String convertJndiName(String jndiName)
        Convert the given JNDI name into the actual JNDI name to use.

        The default implementation applies the "java:comp/env/" prefix if "resourceRef" is "true" and no other scheme (e.g. "java:") is given.

        jndiName - the original JNDI name
        the JNDI name to use
        See Also:
        CONTAINER_PREFIX, setResourceRef(boolean)