Interface RScoredSortedSetReactive<V>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> add(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAll(Map<V,Double> objects)
      Adds all elements contained in the specified map to this sorted set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAndGetRank(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAndGetRevRank(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Integer>> addAndGetRevRank(Map<? extends V,Double> map)
      Adds elements to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfExists(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set only if it's already exists.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfGreater(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set only if new score greater than current score of existed element.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfLess(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set only if new score less than current score of existed element.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> addScore(V element, Number value)
      Increases score of specified element by value.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addScoreAndGetRank(V object, Number value)
      Adds score to element and returns its rank
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addScoreAndGetRevRank(V object, Number value)
      Adds score to element and returns its reverse rank
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> contains(V o)
      Returns true if this sorted set contains encoded state of the specified element.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> containsAll(Collection<?> c)
      Returns true if this sorted set contains all of the elements in encoded state in the specified collection.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> count(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Returns the number of elements with a score between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> diff(String... names)
      Diff provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Returns entries (value and its score) by rank range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Returns entries (value and its score) by rank range in reverse order.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> first()
      Returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> firstScore()
      Returns score of the head element or returns null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Double>> getScore(Collection<V> elements)
      Returns scores of elements.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> getScore(V o)
      Returns score of element or null if it doesn't exist.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(String... names)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, String... names)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator()  
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(int count)
      Returns an iterator over elements in this set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(String pattern)
      Returns an iterator over elements in this set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(String pattern, int count)
      Returns an iterator over elements in this set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> last()
      Returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> lastScore()
      Returns score of the tail element or returns null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirst()
      Removes and returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> pollFirst(int count)
      Removes and returns the head elements of this sorted set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirst(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
      Removes and returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirstFromAny(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, String... queueNames)
      Removes and returns first available head element of any sorted set, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to become available in any of defined sorted sets including this one.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLast()
      Removes and returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> pollLast(int count)
      Removes and returns the tail elements of this sorted set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLast(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
      Removes and returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLastFromAny(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, String... queueNames)
      Removes and returns first available tail element of any sorted set, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to become available in any of defined sorted sets including this one.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> random()
      Returns random element from this sorted set
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> random(int count)
      Returns random elements from this sorted set limited by count
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<V,Double>> randomEntries(int count)
      Returns random entries from this sorted set limited by count.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName, double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName, double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName, int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values by rank range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rank(V o)
      Returns rank of value, with the scores ordered from low to high.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readAll()
      Read all values at once.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readDiff(String... names)
      Diff ScoredSortedSets specified by name with current ScoredSortedSet without state change.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(String... names)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with current ScoredSortedSet without state change
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with current ScoredSortedSet without state change
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, String... names)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with current ScoredSortedSet using defined aggregation method without state change
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with current ScoredSortedSet using defined aggregation method without state change
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(String... names)
      Union ScoredSortedSets specified by name with current ScoredSortedSet without state change.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and current ScoredSortedSet without state change.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, String... names)
      Union ScoredSortedSets specified by name with defined aggregation method and current ScoredSortedSet without state change.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and current ScoredSortedSet without state change
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> remove(V object)
      Removes a single instance of the specified element from this sorted set, if it is present.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> removeAll(Collection<?> c)
      Removes all of this sorted set's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> removeRangeByRank(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Removes values by rank range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> removeRangeByScore(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Removes values by score range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> retainAll(Collection<?> c)
      Retains only the elements in this sorted set that are contained in the specified collection.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName, double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName, double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName, int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order by rank range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Integer>> revRank(Collection<V> elements)
      Returns ranks of elements, with the scores ordered from high to low.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRank(V o)
      Returns rank of value, with the scores ordered from high to low.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> size()
      Returns size of this set.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> takeFirst()
      Removes and returns the head element waiting if necessary for an element to become available.
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> takeFirstElements()
      Retrieves and removes continues stream of elements from the head of this queue.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> takeLast()
      Removes and returns the tail element waiting if necessary for an element to become available.
      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> takeLastElements()
      Retrieves and removes continues stream of elements from the tail of this queue.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> tryAdd(double score, V object)
      Adds element to this set only if has not been added before.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(String... names)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, String... names)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate, Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
      Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Returns all values between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Returns all values between startScore and endScore.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Returns values by rank range.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive)
      Returns all values between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(double startScore, boolean startScoreInclusive, double endScore, boolean endScoreInclusive, int offset, int count)
      Returns all values between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Returns values by rank range in reverse order.
    • Method Detail

      • pollLastFromAny

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLastFromAny(long timeout,
                                                       TimeUnit unit,
                                                       String... queueNames)
        Removes and returns first available tail element of any sorted set, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to become available in any of defined sorted sets including this one.

        Requires Redis 5.0.0 and higher.

        queueNames - - names of queue
        timeout - how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit
        unit - a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter
        the tail element, or null if all sorted sets are empty
      • pollFirstFromAny

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirstFromAny(long timeout,
                                                        TimeUnit unit,
                                                        String... queueNames)
        Removes and returns first available head element of any sorted set, waiting up to the specified wait time if necessary for an element to become available in any of defined sorted sets including this one.

        Requires Redis 5.0.0 and higher.

        queueNames - - names of queue
        timeout - how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit
        unit - a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter
        the head element, or null if all sorted sets are empty
      • pollFirst

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirst(long timeout,
                                                 TimeUnit unit)
        Removes and returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.

        Requires Redis 5.0.0 and higher.

        timeout - how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit
        unit - a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter
        the head element, or null if this sorted set is empty
      • pollLast

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLast(long timeout,
                                                TimeUnit unit)
        Removes and returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.

        Requires Redis 5.0.0 and higher.

        timeout - how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit
        unit - a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter
        the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • pollFirst

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> pollFirst(int count)
        Removes and returns the head elements of this sorted set.
        count - - elements amount
        the head elements of this sorted set
      • pollLast

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> pollLast(int count)
        Removes and returns the tail elements of this sorted set.
        count - - elements amount
        the tail elements of this sorted set
      • pollFirst

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollFirst()
        Removes and returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.
        the head element, or null if this sorted set is empty
      • pollLast

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> pollLast()
        Removes and returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.
        the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • first

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> first()
        Returns the head element or null if this sorted set is empty.
        the head element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • last

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> last()
        Returns the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty.
        the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • firstScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> firstScore()
        Returns score of the head element or returns null if this sorted set is empty.
        the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • lastScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> lastScore()
        Returns score of the tail element or returns null if this sorted set is empty.
        the tail element or null if this sorted set is empty
      • random

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> random()
        Returns random element from this sorted set

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        random element
      • random

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> random(int count)
        Returns random elements from this sorted set limited by count

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        count - - values amount to return
        random elements
      • randomEntries

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<V,Double>> randomEntries(int count)
        Returns random entries from this sorted set limited by count. Each map entry uses element as key and score as value.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        count - - entries amount to return
        random entries
      • iterator

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(String pattern)
        Returns an iterator over elements in this set. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        pattern - - search pattern
      • iterator

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(int count)
        Returns an iterator over elements in this set. Elements are loaded in batch. Batch size is defined by count param.
        count - - size of elements batch
      • iterator

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator(String pattern,
                                                int count)
        Returns an iterator over elements in this set. Elements are loaded in batch. Batch size is defined by count param. If pattern is not null then only elements match this pattern are loaded.
        pattern - - search pattern
        count - - size of elements batch
      • iterator

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> iterator()
      • removeRangeByScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> removeRangeByScore(double startScore,
                                                                boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                double endScore,
                                                                boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Removes values by score range.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        number of elements removed
      • removeRangeByRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> removeRangeByRank(int startIndex,
                                                               int endIndex)
        Removes values by rank range. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.
        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
        number of elements removed
      • rank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rank(V o)
        Returns rank of value, with the scores ordered from low to high.
        o - - object
        rank or null if value does not exist
      • revRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRank(V o)
        Returns rank of value, with the scores ordered from high to low.
        o - - object
        rank or null if value does not exist
      • revRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Integer>> revRank(Collection<V> elements)
        Returns ranks of elements, with the scores ordered from high to low.
        elements - - elements
        ranks or null if value does not exist
      • getScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> getScore(V o)
        Returns score of element or null if it doesn't exist.
        o - - element
      • getScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Double>> getScore(Collection<V> elements)
        Returns scores of elements.
        elements - - elements
        element scores
      • add

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> add(double score,
                                                 V object)
        Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added.
        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        true if element has added and false if not.
      • addAll

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAll(Map<V,Double> objects)
        Adds all elements contained in the specified map to this sorted set. Map contains of score mapped by object.
        objects - - map of elements to add
        amount of added elements, not including already existing in this sorted set
      • addAndGetRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAndGetRank(double score,
                                                           V object)
        Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added. Finally return the rank of the item
        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
      • addAndGetRevRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addAndGetRevRank(double score,
                                                              V object)
        Adds element to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added. Finally return the reverse rank of the item
        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        reverse rank
      • addAndGetRevRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<Integer>> addAndGetRevRank(Map<? extends V,Double> map)
        Adds elements to this set, overrides previous score if it has been already added. Finally returns reverse rank list of the items
        map - - map of object and scores, make sure to use an ordered map
        collection of reverse ranks
      • tryAdd

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> tryAdd(double score,
                                                    V object)
        Adds element to this set only if has not been added before.

        Requires Redis 3.0.2 and higher.

        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        true if element has added and false if not.
      • addIfExists

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfExists(double score,
                                                         V object)
        Adds element to this set only if it's already exists.

        Requires Redis 3.0.2 and higher.

        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        true if element added and false if not.
      • addIfLess

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfLess(double score,
                                                       V object)
        Adds element to this set only if new score less than current score of existed element.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        true if element added and false if not.
      • addIfGreater

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> addIfGreater(double score,
                                                          V object)
        Adds element to this set only if new score greater than current score of existed element.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        score - - object score
        object - - object itself
        true if element added and false if not.
      • remove

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> remove(V object)
        Removes a single instance of the specified element from this sorted set, if it is present.
        object - element to be removed from this sorted set, if present
        true if an element was removed as a result of this call
      • size

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> size()
        Returns size of this set.
      • contains

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> contains(V o)
        Returns true if this sorted set contains encoded state of the specified element.
        o - element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
        true if this sorted set contains the specified element and false otherwise
      • containsAll

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> containsAll(Collection<?> c)
        Returns true if this sorted set contains all of the elements in encoded state in the specified collection.
        c - collection to be checked for containment in this sorted set
        true if this sorted set contains all of the elements in the specified collection
      • removeAll

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> removeAll(Collection<?> c)
        Removes all of this sorted set's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
        c - sorted set containing elements to be removed from this collection
        true if this sorted set changed as a result of the call
      • retainAll

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> retainAll(Collection<?> c)
        Retains only the elements in this sorted set that are contained in the specified collection.
        c - collection containing elements to be retained in this collection
        true if this sorted set changed as a result of the call
      • addScore

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Double> addScore(V element,
                                                     Number value)
        Increases score of specified element by value.
        element - - element whose score needs to be increased
        value - - value
        updated score of element
      • addScoreAndGetRevRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addScoreAndGetRevRank(V object,
                                                                   Number value)
        Adds score to element and returns its reverse rank
        object - - object itself
        value - - object score
        reverse rank
      • addScoreAndGetRank

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> addScoreAndGetRank(V object,
                                                                Number value)
        Adds score to element and returns its rank
        object - - object itself
        value - - object score
      • valueRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(int startIndex,
                                                              int endIndex)
        Returns values by rank range. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.
        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • entryRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(int startIndex,
                                                                           int endIndex)
        Returns entries (value and its score) by rank range. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.
        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • valueRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(double startScore,
                                                              boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                              double endScore,
                                                              boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Returns all values between startScore and endScore.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • entryRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(double startScore,
                                                                           boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                           double endScore,
                                                                           boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • valueRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRange(double startScore,
                                                              boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                              double endScore,
                                                              boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                              int offset,
                                                              int count)
        Returns all values between startScore and endScore.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • entryRange

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRange(double startScore,
                                                                           boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                           double endScore,
                                                                           boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                                           int offset,
                                                                           int count)
        Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • valueRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(int startIndex,
                                                                      int endIndex)
        Returns values by rank range in reverse order. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.
        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • valueRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(double startScore,
                                                                      boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                      double endScore,
                                                                      boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Returns all values between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • valueRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> valueRangeReversed(double startScore,
                                                                      boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                      double endScore,
                                                                      boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                                      int offset,
                                                                      int count)
        Returns all values between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • entryRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(int startIndex,
                                                                                   int endIndex)
        Returns entries (value and its score) by rank range in reverse order. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.
        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • entryRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(double startScore,
                                                                                   boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                                   double endScore,
                                                                                   boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • entryRangeReversed

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<ScoredEntry<V>>> entryRangeReversed(double startScore,
                                                                                   boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                                                   double endScore,
                                                                                   boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                                                   int offset,
                                                                                   int count)
        Returns all entries (value and its score) between startScore and endScore in reversed order.
        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • count

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> count(double startScore,
                                                   boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                   double endScore,
                                                   boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Returns the number of elements with a score between startScore and endScore.
        startScore - - start score
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • readAll

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readAll()
        Read all values at once.
      • rangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName,
                                                     int startIndex,
                                                     int endIndex)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values by rank range. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • rangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName,
                                                     double startScore,
                                                     boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                     double endScore,
                                                     boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values between startScore and endScore.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • rangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> rangeTo(String destName,
                                                     double startScore,
                                                     boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                     double endScore,
                                                     boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                     int offset,
                                                     int count)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values between startScore and endScore.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • revRangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName,
                                                        int startIndex,
                                                        int endIndex)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order by rank range. Indexes are zero based. -1 means the highest score, -2 means the second highest score.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startIndex - - start index
        endIndex - - end index
      • revRangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName,
                                                        double startScore,
                                                        boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                        double endScore,
                                                        boolean endScoreInclusive)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order between startScore and endScore.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
      • revRangeTo

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> revRangeTo(String destName,
                                                        double startScore,
                                                        boolean startScoreInclusive,
                                                        double endScore,
                                                        boolean endScoreInclusive,
                                                        int offset,
                                                        int count)
        Stores to defined ScoredSortedSet values in reversed order between startScore and endScore.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        startScore - - start score. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        startScoreInclusive - - start score inclusive
        endScore - - end score Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY to define infinity numbers
        endScoreInclusive - - end score inclusive
        offset - - offset of sorted data
        count - - amount of sorted data
      • intersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(String... names)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        length of intersection
      • intersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                          String... names)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        length of intersection
      • intersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        length of intersection
      • intersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> intersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                          Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        length of intersection
      • readIntersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(String... names)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with current ScoredSortedSet without state change

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        result of intersection
      • readIntersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                                    String... names)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets with current ScoredSortedSet using defined aggregation method without state change

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        result of intersection
      • readIntersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with current ScoredSortedSet without state change

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        result of intersection
      • readIntersection

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readIntersection(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                                    Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Intersect provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with current ScoredSortedSet using defined aggregation method without state change

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        result of intersection
      • union

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(String... names)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        length of union
      • union

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                   String... names)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        length of union
      • union

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        length of union
      • union

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> union(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                   Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and store result to current ScoredSortedSet
        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        length of union
      • readUnion

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(String... names)
        Union ScoredSortedSets specified by name with current ScoredSortedSet without state change.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        result of union
      • readUnion

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                             String... names)
        Union ScoredSortedSets specified by name with defined aggregation method and current ScoredSortedSet without state change.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        names - - names of ScoredSortedSet
        result of union
      • readUnion

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier and current ScoredSortedSet without state change.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        result of union
      • readUnion

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readUnion(RScoredSortedSet.Aggregate aggregate,
                                                             Map<String,Double> nameWithWeight)
        Union provided ScoredSortedSets mapped to weight multiplier with defined aggregation method and current ScoredSortedSet without state change

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        aggregate - - score aggregation mode
        nameWithWeight - - name of ScoredSortedSet mapped to weight multiplier
        result of union
      • readDiff

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Collection<V>> readDiff(String... names)
        Diff ScoredSortedSets specified by name with current ScoredSortedSet without state change.

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        names - - name of sets
        result of diff
      • diff

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Integer> diff(String... names)
        Diff provided ScoredSortedSets and store result to current ScoredSortedSet

        Requires Redis 6.2.0 and higher.

        names - - name of sets
        length of diff
      • takeFirst

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> takeFirst()
        Removes and returns the head element waiting if necessary for an element to become available.
        the head element
      • takeLast

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> takeLast()
        Removes and returns the tail element waiting if necessary for an element to become available.
        the tail element
      • takeFirstElements

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> takeFirstElements()
        Retrieves and removes continues stream of elements from the head of this queue. Waits for next element become available.
        stream of head elements
      • takeLastElements

        reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> takeLastElements()
        Retrieves and removes continues stream of elements from the tail of this queue. Waits for next element become available.
        stream of tail elements