Interface ConnectionReleaseTrigger

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClientConnAdapter, AbstractPooledConnAdapter, BasicManagedEntity, BasicPooledConnAdapter, EofSensorInputStream, SingleClientConnManager.ConnAdapter

public interface ConnectionReleaseTrigger

Interface for releasing a connection. This can be implemented by various "trigger" objects which are associated with a connection, for example a EofSensorInputStream or the ManagedHttpClientConnection itself.

The methods in this interface can safely be called multiple times. The first invocation releases the connection, subsequent calls are ignored.


Method Summary
 void abortConnection()
          Releases the connection without the option of keep-alive.
 void releaseConnection()
          Releases the connection with the option of keep-alive.

Method Detail


void releaseConnection()
                       throws IOException
Releases the connection with the option of keep-alive. This is a "graceful" release and may cause IO operations for consuming the remainder of a response entity. Use abortConnection for a hard release. The connection may be reused as specified by the duration.

IOException - in case of an IO problem. The connection will be released anyway.


void abortConnection()
                     throws IOException
Releases the connection without the option of keep-alive. This is a "hard" release that implies a shutdown of the connection. Use releaseConnection() for a graceful release.

IOException - in case of an IO problem. The connection will be released anyway.

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