Package org.elasticsearch.common.geo
package org.elasticsearch.common.geo
ClassDescriptionA class representing a Geo-Bounding-Box for use by Geo queries and aggregations that deal with extents/rectangles representing rectangular areas of interest.Output formatters supported by geo fields.Utility class for converting libs/geo shapes to and from GeoJsonSplits lines by datelines.Utility class for binary serializtion/deserialization of libs/geo classesAn utility class with to read geometries from a XContentParser or generic object.Splits polygons by datelines.Utility class that transforms Elasticsearch geometry objects to the Lucene representationXShapeCollection<S extends org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Shape>Extends spatial4j ShapeCollection for points_only shape indexing support
Enum ClassDescriptionGeo distance calculation.Supported formats to read/write JSON geometries.Enumeration that lists all
s that can be parsed and indexedRepresents the point of the geohash cell that should be used as the value of geohashEnum representing the relationship between a Query / Filter Shape and indexed Shapes that will be used to determine if a Document should be matched or not