Class RestoreSnapshotRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
Writeable, org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent, org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentObject, org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted, TaskAwareRequest

public class RestoreSnapshotRequest extends MasterNodeRequest<RestoreSnapshotRequest> implements org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentObject
Restore snapshot request
  • Constructor Details

    • RestoreSnapshotRequest

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest()
    • RestoreSnapshotRequest

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest(String repository, String snapshot)
      Constructs a new put repository request with the provided repository and snapshot names.
      repository - repository name
      snapshot - snapshot name
    • RestoreSnapshotRequest

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest(StreamInput in) throws IOException
  • Method Details

    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Writeable
      Write this into the StreamOutput.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in interface Writeable
      writeTo in class MasterNodeRequest<RestoreSnapshotRequest>
    • validate

      Specified by:
      validate in class ActionRequest
    • snapshot

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest snapshot(String snapshot)
      Sets the name of the snapshot.
      snapshot - snapshot name
      this request
    • snapshot

      public String snapshot()
      Returns the name of the snapshot.
      snapshot name
    • repository

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest repository(String repository)
      Sets repository name
      repository - repository name
      this request
    • repository

      public String repository()
      Returns repository name
      repository name
    • indices

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indices(String... indices)
      Sets the list of indices that should be restored from snapshot

      The list of indices supports multi-index syntax. For example: "+test*" ,"-test42" will index all indices with prefix "test" except index "test42". Aliases are not supported. An empty list or {"_all"} will restore all open indices in the snapshot.

      indices - list of indices
      this request
    • indices

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indices(List<String> indices)
      Sets the list of indices that should be restored from snapshot

      The list of indices supports multi-index syntax. For example: "+test*" ,"-test42" will index all indices with prefix "test" except index "test42". Aliases are not supported. An empty list or {"_all"} will restore all open indices in the snapshot.

      indices - list of indices
      this request
    • indices

      public String[] indices()
      Returns list of indices that should be restored from snapshot
    • indicesOptions

      public IndicesOptions indicesOptions()
      Specifies what type of requested indices to ignore and how to deal with wildcard expressions. For example indices that don't exist.
      the desired behaviour regarding indices to ignore and wildcard indices expression
    • indicesOptions

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions)
      Specifies what type of requested indices to ignore and how to deal with wildcard expressions. For example indices that don't exist.
      indicesOptions - the desired behaviour regarding indices to ignore and wildcard indices expressions
      this request
    • renamePattern

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest renamePattern(String renamePattern)
      Sets rename pattern that should be applied to restored indices.

      Indices that match the rename pattern will be renamed according to renameReplacement(String). The rename pattern is applied according to the Matcher.appendReplacement(StringBuffer, String) The request will fail if two or more indices will be renamed into the same name.

      renamePattern - rename pattern
      this request
    • renamePattern

      public String renamePattern()
      Returns rename pattern
      rename pattern
    • renameReplacement

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest renameReplacement(String renameReplacement)
      Sets rename replacement

      See renamePattern(String) for more information.

      renameReplacement - rename replacement
    • renameReplacement

      public String renameReplacement()
      Returns rename replacement
      rename replacement
    • waitForCompletion

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest waitForCompletion(boolean waitForCompletion)
      If this parameter is set to true the operation will wait for completion of restore process before returning.
      waitForCompletion - if true the operation will wait for completion
      this request
    • waitForCompletion

      public boolean waitForCompletion()
      Returns wait for completion setting
      true if the operation will wait for completion
    • partial

      public boolean partial()
      Returns true if indices with failed to snapshot shards should be partially restored.
      true if indices with failed to snapshot shards should be partially restored
    • partial

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest partial(boolean partial)
      Set to true to allow indices with failed to snapshot shards should be partially restored.
      partial - true if indices with failed to snapshot shards should be partially restored.
      this request
    • ignoreIndexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest ignoreIndexSettings(String... ignoreIndexSettings)
      Sets the list of index settings and index settings groups that shouldn't be restored from snapshot
    • ignoreIndexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest ignoreIndexSettings(List<String> ignoreIndexSettings)
      Sets the list of index settings and index settings groups that shouldn't be restored from snapshot
    • ignoreIndexSettings

      public String[] ignoreIndexSettings()
      Returns the list of index settings and index settings groups that shouldn't be restored from snapshot
    • includeGlobalState

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest includeGlobalState(boolean includeGlobalState)
      If set to true the restore procedure will restore global cluster state.

      The global cluster state includes persistent settings and index template definitions.

      includeGlobalState - true if global state should be restored from the snapshot
      this request
    • includeGlobalState

      public boolean includeGlobalState()
      Returns true if global state should be restored from this snapshot
      true if global state should be restored
    • includeAliases

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest includeAliases(boolean includeAliases)
      If set to true the restore procedure will restore aliases
      includeAliases - true if aliases should be restored from the snapshot
      this request
    • includeAliases

      public boolean includeAliases()
      Returns true if aliases should be restored from this snapshot
      true if aliases should be restored
    • indexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indexSettings(Settings settings)
      Sets settings that should be added/changed in all restored indices
    • indexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indexSettings(Settings.Builder settings)
      Sets settings that should be added/changed in all restored indices
    • indexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indexSettings(String source, org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType xContentType)
      Sets settings that should be added/changed in all restored indices
    • indexSettings

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest indexSettings(Map<String,Object> source)
      Sets settings that should be added/changed in all restored indices
    • indexSettings

      public Settings indexSettings()
      Returns settings that should be added/changed in all restored indices
    • snapshotUuid

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest snapshotUuid(String snapshotUuid)
      Sometimes a client has identified precisely which snapshot is to be restored via a separate mechanism and wishes to guarantee that this is the snapshot that this request restores. If the client can only identify a snapshot by its name then there is a risk that the desired snapshot may be deleted and replaced by a new snapshot with the same name which is inconsistent with the original one. This method lets us fail the restore if the precise snapshot we want is not available. This is for internal use only and is not exposed in the REST layer.
    • snapshotUuid

      @Nullable public String snapshotUuid()
      the UUID that identifies the specific snapshot in the repository to be restored, or null if the snapshot name is a sufficient identifier.
    • skipOperatorOnlyState

      public boolean skipOperatorOnlyState()
    • skipOperatorOnlyState

      public void skipOperatorOnlyState(boolean skipOperatorOnlyState)
    • featureStates

      @Nullable public String[] featureStates()
      Which feature states should be included in the snapshot
    • featureStates

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest featureStates(String[] featureStates)
      featureStates - The feature states to be included in the snapshot
    • featureStates

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest featureStates(List<String> featureStates)
      featureStates - The feature states to be included in the snapshot
    • source

      public RestoreSnapshotRequest source(Map<String,Object> source)
      Parses restore definition
      source - restore definition
      this request
    • toXContent

      public org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder toXContent(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder builder, org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      toXContent in interface org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: TaskAwareRequest
      Returns optional description of the request to be displayed by the task manager
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface TaskAwareRequest
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class TransportRequest