All Implemented Interfaces:
org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent, org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContentFragment, Aggregation, Nested, SingleBucketAggregation, HasAggregations

public class ParsedNested extends ParsedSingleBucketAggregation implements Nested
  • Constructor Details

    • ParsedNested

      public ParsedNested()
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public String getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in interface Aggregation
      a string representing the type of the aggregation. This type is added to the aggregation name in the response, so that it can later be used by clients to determine type of the aggregation and parse it into the proper object.
    • fromXContent

      public static ParsedNested fromXContent(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentParser parser, String name) throws IOException