Interface DocWriteRequest<T>

All Superinterfaces:
org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable, IndicesRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
DeleteRequest, IndexRequest, UpdateRequest

public interface DocWriteRequest<T> extends IndicesRequest, org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable
Generic interface to group ActionRequest, which perform writes to a single document Action requests implementing this can be part of BulkRequest
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • index

      T index(String index)
      Set the index for this request
      the Request
    • index

      String index()
      Get the index that this request operates on
      the index
    • type

      T type(String type)
      Set the type for this request
      the Request
    • type

      String type()
      Get the type that this request operates on
      the type
    • defaultTypeIfNull

      T defaultTypeIfNull(String defaultType)
      Set the default type supplied to a bulk request if this individual request's type is null or empty
      the Request
    • id

      String id()
      Get the id of the document for this request
      the id
    • indicesOptions

      IndicesOptions indicesOptions()
      Get the options for this request
      Specified by:
      indicesOptions in interface IndicesRequest
      the indices options
    • routing

      T routing(String routing)
      Set the routing for this request
      the Request
    • routing

      String routing()
      Get the routing for this request
      the Routing
    • version

      long version()
      Get the document version for this request
      the document version
    • version

      T version(long version)
      Sets the version, which will perform the operation only if a matching version exists and no changes happened on the doc since then.
    • versionType

      VersionType versionType()
      Get the document version type for this request
      the document version type
    • versionType

      T versionType(VersionType versionType)
      Sets the versioning type. Defaults to VersionType.INTERNAL.
    • setIfSeqNo

      T setIfSeqNo(long seqNo)
      only perform this request if the document was last modification was assigned the given sequence number. Must be used in combination with setIfPrimaryTerm(long) If the document last modification was assigned a different sequence number a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
    • setIfPrimaryTerm

      T setIfPrimaryTerm(long term)
      only performs this request if the document was last modification was assigned the given primary term. Must be used in combination with setIfSeqNo(long) If the document last modification was assigned a different term a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
    • ifSeqNo

      long ifSeqNo()
      If set, only perform this request if the document was last modification was assigned this sequence number. If the document last modification was assigned a different sequence number a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
    • ifPrimaryTerm

      long ifPrimaryTerm()
      If set, only perform this request if the document was last modification was assigned this primary term. If the document last modification was assigned a different term a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
    • opType

      Get the requested document operation type of the request
      the operation type DocWriteRequest.OpType
    • isRequireAlias

      boolean isRequireAlias()
      Should this request override specifically require the destination to be an alias?
      boolean flag, when true specifically requires an alias
    • readDocumentRequest

      static DocWriteRequest<?> readDocumentRequest(@Nullable ShardId shardId, StreamInput in) throws IOException
      Read a document write (index/delete/update) request
      shardId - shard id of the request. null when reading as part of a BulkRequest that does not have a unique shard id or when reading from a stream of version older than BulkShardRequest.COMPACT_SHARD_ID_VERSION
    • writeDocumentRequest

      static void writeDocumentRequest(StreamOutput out, DocWriteRequest<?> request) throws IOException
      write a document write (index/delete/update) request
    • writeDocumentRequestThin

      static void writeDocumentRequestThin(StreamOutput out, DocWriteRequest<?> request) throws IOException
      write a document write (index/delete/update) request without shard id
    • validateSeqNoBasedCASParams

      static ActionRequestValidationException validateSeqNoBasedCASParams(DocWriteRequest request, ActionRequestValidationException validationException)