Interface DateFormatter

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DateFormatter
  • Method Details

    • parse

      TemporalAccessor parse(String input)
      Try to parse input to a java time TemporalAccessor
      input - An arbitrary string resembling the string representation of a date or time
      The java time object containing the parsed input
      DateTimeParseException - If parsing fails, this exception will be thrown. Note that it can contained suppressed exceptions when several formatters failed parse this value
    • parseMillis

      default long parseMillis(String input)
      Parse the given input into millis-since-epoch.
    • parseJoda

      default org.joda.time.DateTime parseJoda(String input)
      Parse the given input into a Joda DateTime.
    • withZone

      DateFormatter withZone(ZoneId zoneId)
      Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified time zone
      zoneId - The time zone to act on
      A copy of the date formatter this has been called on
    • withLocale

      DateFormatter withLocale(Locale locale)
      Create a copy of this formatter that is configured to parse dates in the specified locale
      locale - The local to use for the new formatter
      A copy of the date formatter this has been called on
    • format

      String format(TemporalAccessor accessor)
      Print the supplied java time accessor in a string based representation according to this formatter
      accessor - The temporal accessor used to format
      The string result for the formatting
    • formatMillis

      default String formatMillis(long millis)
      Return the given millis-since-epoch formatted with this format.
    • formatJoda

      default String formatJoda(org.joda.time.DateTime dateTime)
      Return the given Joda DateTime formatted with this format.
    • pattern

      String pattern()
      A name based format for this formatter. Can be one of the registered formatters like epoch_millis or a configured format like HH:mm:ss
      The name of this formatter
    • locale

      Locale locale()
      Returns the configured locale of the date formatter
      The locale of this formatter
    • zone

      ZoneId zone()
      Returns the configured time zone of the date formatter
      The time zone of this formatter
    • toDateMathParser

      DateMathParser toDateMathParser()
      Create a DateMathParser from the existing formatter
      The DateMathParser object
    • forPattern

      static DateFormatter forPattern(String input)
    • strip8Prefix

      static String strip8Prefix(String input)
    • splitCombinedPatterns

      static List<String> splitCombinedPatterns(String input)