Class CloseIndexRequestBuilder

Builder for close index request
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setIndices

      public CloseIndexRequestBuilder setIndices(String... indices)
      Sets the indices to be closed
      indices - the indices to be closed
      the request itself
    • setIndicesOptions

      public CloseIndexRequestBuilder setIndicesOptions(IndicesOptions indicesOptions)
      Specifies what type of requested indices to ignore and wildcard indices expressions For example indices that don't exist.
      indicesOptions - the desired behaviour regarding indices to ignore and indices wildcard expressions
      the request itself
    • setWaitForActiveShards

      public CloseIndexRequestBuilder setWaitForActiveShards(ActiveShardCount waitForActiveShards)
      Sets the number of shard copies that should be active for indices closing to return. Defaults to ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT, which will wait for one shard copy (the primary) to become active. Set this value to ActiveShardCount.ALL to wait for all shards (primary and all replicas) to be active before returning. Otherwise, use ActiveShardCount.from(int) to set this value to any non-negative integer, up to the number of copies per shard (number of replicas + 1), to wait for the desired amount of shard copies to become active before returning. Indices closing will only wait up until the timeout value for the number of shard copies to be active before returning.
      waitForActiveShards - number of active shard copies to wait on
    • setWaitForActiveShards

      public CloseIndexRequestBuilder setWaitForActiveShards(int waitForActiveShards)
      A shortcut for setWaitForActiveShards(ActiveShardCount) where the numerical shard count is passed in, instead of having to first call ActiveShardCount.from(int) to get the ActiveShardCount.