class |
AvailableClusterInvoker<T> |
class |
BroadcastClusterInvoker<T> |
class |
FailbackClusterInvoker<T> |
When fails, record failure requests and schedule for retry on a regular interval.
class |
FailfastClusterInvoker<T> |
Execute exactly once, which means this policy will throw an exception immediately in case of an invocation error.
class |
FailoverClusterInvoker<T> |
When invoke fails, log the initial error and retry other invokers (retry n times, which means at most n different invokers will be invoked)
Note that retry causes latency.
class |
FailsafeClusterInvoker<T> |
When invoke fails, log the error message and ignore this error by returning an empty RpcResult.
class |
ForkingClusterInvoker<T> |
Invoke a specific number of invokers concurrently, usually used for demanding real-time operations, but need to waste more service resources.